Searching for hair care..

When it comes to my beautiful natural curls I am a narcissist. I absolutely love my curls. They are easy manageable, just gorgeous and I can throw whatever cheap stuff in them, they would still sit great. Although my hair becomes a little dry and brittle during the summer when the sun is out there and I go to the Chicago beach very often. Also I dyed my hair, so it's even more vulnerable. So I it is necessary to find good products for my hair, which brought me to Ulta a semi drugstore in the US.

I have to wash my hair every other day otherwise my dandruff reappears, so I mostly wash my hair with two different shampoos every other time to add the extra hair care. I got two shampoos from Organix, because I have been using the Argan oil from Organix for a while now and I am quite pleased with it. I chose the argan oil/shea butter, because I know argan oil is good for my curls and shea butter gives some extra strength to my hair. And the other shampoo is with Coconut milk. I know that coconut oil is the one of the two oils the hair actually absorbs, the other one is olive oil. Hair is a build out of keratin proteins, and coconut has certain ingredients those can bind to keratin and strengthen them. So I thought these two shampoos were a good combination of everything my hair needs. After using these products I was still as happy with them, but for dry/dull hair shampoo doesn't do it, the conditioner is more important.

As a conditioner I got the thermal treatment from CHI. This treatment is actually for hair that's being flat ironed very often. The point is actually that the hair is dry or dull from heat, which is also the case in sun damage (heat/rays damage). I looked at the ingredients list since CHI doesn't name an active ingredients and found that the treatment contains Olive oil (I don't know how much, but it does). Thought this gives it a reason to be of good quality. After using this treatment I must say I am really happy with it. Leave it in for a few minutes and the result will be even better. The only con I have about this product is that I don't like the smell of it. It smells like male shampoo, which is weird. But I would definitely advice this CHI infra treatment!

Thank you for reading again!
Happy weekend.

Enduring love,

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