July 22nd the post-weekend humid haze

I've been reading status updates from people in the Netherlands complaining about how hot and humid it's been the past few days, knowing that the weather couldn't feel worse than here in Chicago. Friday was 100 Fahrenheit = 38 Celsius which calls in a stationary position in front of the air conditioner gasping for air. Temperatures above body temperatures are always disastrous; I biked a 10 minute ride from my home to Target ending up in a free bath of sweat.. I'm not joking, my legs and arms never sweat until the 100F + 100% humidity hits the summer. From what I remember summers in northern US are much tougher than we're used to in northern Europe so the fanciest things I've been wearing since I got here are hot pants and strapless. Fair enough not to perish from the heat.

I've also tried cooling down in the tub with 20C water, ice tea and a movie - waiting for that moment my hands start looking like a 90 year old' or could I rather call it fish skin. Heat and humid is never much fun unless you go to a steam room. Then I find out I am allergic to the veet waxing strips I  blogged about giving me major rosacea (rash), break outs and huge stubbles in my armpits (Sigh, drama). I'm trying to heal it with eucalyptus and coconut oil see if it works.

The weekend's been good to me since temperatures dropped a bit and the humidity flew over hopefully to Canada or somewhere even further, and I got to hang out with my Chicagoan friends I absolutely adore. But today I am packing my bags since Diederik and I are going on a road trip to New York city! I am super excited to do this trip, also because I will meet with my parents who I haven't seen for 2 years at least, in the big city that never sleeps.
So tomorrow I will put up a what's in my bag the road trip to NYC blog and prior to leaving my third home, Chicago, I am going to Ulta to purchase some new products which will also be on the blog later today.

Some weekend pictures:
The neighborhood I stay at (Lakeview East)

Lakeview also represents the gay
Good coffee indeed

Wood made horse, kind of cool
Biked to the beach

Super happy

This is typical Chicago, the railways from underneath.
Diederik doesn't know how to pose for a picture

Playing beer-pong :) saturday

Thank you for reading again.
A lot of love,

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