Time is ticking

The time is ticking. In about 9 days I will be leaving Amsterdam for a new experience.
I am both excited to leave and sad to leave everything behind.

My dearest friends; from the bottom of my heart I will really miss you. All the memories we've build, I will take along. And I will never forget you. And Amsterdam is still my favorite city in the world! It will always be.
But for now...
I am going to rock another city!!
Woohoo; Chicago here I come!
Starting from next week, I will blog weekly to let you know how I am doing and what I am doing. How it's going and how I am experiencing Chicago.

Between leaving Amsterdam and being in Chicago I will travel through Japan for 2 weeks.
If you want to see pictures I will post them on my blog, if you want to know more about Japan, I will post it on my blog. 

So follow me!

Live life, 

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