Poor life...

So I guess since lately I have been extremely poor.
On a saturday morning, I found out that I had to pay a bill of about 500 euros. This was the money I had left for the rest of the month. I have a savings account, which is blocked (by my parents) and no back up money, since I was traveling/shopping/eating too much.
I realized the upcoming two weeks were going to be crap. But I didn't know what to do.. Call mums or just be strong and survive the stress.
I decided to survive the stress. When I payed my 500 euro bill I had only 80 euro's to spend for two whole weeks. I thought I would survive that.
The same saturday afternoon a friend called me up to join her for a party. "Come on Kay!! You should join me, the entrance is only 10 Euros". Wow, ohh why not. A very good hip hop party with a 10 Euro entrance fee. How can I say no. So I joined her.
I took 30 euro's with me cause with 50 euros I could survive the 2 weeks, so I thought. And of course, I didn't or couldn't show I was kind of broke. So I drank, every penny of the 20 euros I had left from the 30. And no I was not drunk, cause 20 euros for drinks yields 3 drinks. Ahh life sucked. But honestly I really enjoyed my night!
My food stock contained, Liga, chips, waffles, rice, a very little bit of pasta, couscouse, chick peas, some fish and shrimp. Later that sunday I had to tutor, luckily I had enough money on my card to pay public transportation. I only had a Liga for breakfast. No bread, no eggs, at home.. But I thought I would just get groceries the next day, and just eat whatever left overs I had in the freezer at night.
So the same sunday at night my friend decided to bring me food. It was her birthday and I gave her presents, so she brought me food. WHich was super sweet cause I needed it...
The food was very good, but I couldn't eat everything right away, cause I had to save some.
Then monday came, I had an appointment with my pregnant cousin.
We went to primark, which is a super cheap low quality clothing shop. But everyone loves it because it's so cheap. She was shopping for her unborn child and her son (other kid). And of course I had to shop as well. So I spend my last 50 euros on 3 shirts, socks and underwear.
I knew I couldn't do that, but my mind said "those shirts are so pretty"

How would I ever survive without money? With my lifestyle this is impossible..

Keep reading..

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