Love Chanel

I am about the biggest Chanel geek ever. I love everything from Chanel: the make-up, the fragrances, the bags, the beauty and even the woman behind the label.

But when it comes to creams and cosmetics, I know my skin can't handle everything. So I took the Chanel creams I use under the loop.
I use the Hydramax Chanel line, specifically for dry skin.
For example the "Hydramax + active serum", which I consider a good hydrating serum. I don't use this serum daily, because I like to vary cosmetics. It's psychological; in my opinion varying creams makes it easier for your face/skin to stay healthy. Like food. Varying food is better for your metabolism. But that's just my opinion.
The ingredients-list of the serum is shown in the picture:
On the ingredients list there are at least 3 different parabens used: methylparaben, ethylparaben and propylparaben. So perhaps people who are allergic to parabens should not use this. I still don't get the use of the parabens in this product, since parabens don't preserve well in creams.
A perfume used in cosmetics is often different kinds of perfume oils combined. Not all of the perfume oils cause allergic reactions. But since the serum contains a perfume oil cocktail, it might cause hypersensitivity reaction.
Then the serum contains citric acids, which can cause hypersensitivity when used for babies. I'm not sure if grown-ups are as susceptible, but carefulness is never redundant.
The remaining ingredients have not shown to cause hypersensitivity reactions.
So perhaps if you have sensitive skin, don't use the Hydramax + active serum from Chanel.

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