Urban Decay Naked2

The Urban Decay Naked2 pallet
Although this pallet came out a while ago, I thought it would still be fun to write about it. I find the Naked1 pallet in colour nuance the same as the Naked2. Nude... hence Naked..
I love nude eyeshadow. In fact I love nude make up, simplicity and natural, which is why I opt for the naked pallets.

Free lipgloss! Which is good actually.. It has a little mint oil in it.

Having fun with the mirror. Like an Asian

When I put make up it's really just simple. I love BB cream, especially the one from Clarins (full review will come soon) and some concealer on spots (which is my skin colour). Make up became such a big hype and it keeps adding up so fast. We're already at 6 layers* of covering up. Wow 6 layers and I am not counting the day creams. I personally think it's too much. Although not shown yet, I'm pretty sure too much make up makes the skin age faster. This is why I stop with 2 layers =)
But back to the Naked2, I really love it. For a nude effect my favorite colours are the Busted, YDK, Pistol, Snakebite and Tease. They mix and match perfectly with my skin colour. For people with lighter skin tone there are lighter colours, like Foxy and Bootycall. And people with darker skin than myself, Busted and Blackout are beautiful. For a shiny and glittery effect I like the Chopper and Half baked. And of course you can create all sorts of different effects..
I would highly recommend the Naked2 (actually both Naked1 and 2). Hopefully UrbanDecay will surprise us with a new Naked line next year. 

Trying out the pallet. These are Busted and YDK

On a beautiful day, inside.. The colour combination is Busted and Pistol

*With six layers I refer to: porefiller, primer/BB cream (sometimes both), concealer (not really a layer), foundation, powder and setting spray (to keep your make up in place).

That was it! Do you have an eyeshadow pallet you would recommend?

Thank you for reading my blog again!



  1. I don't have the Naked 2 and I kinda really want it. I have the Naked Basics, that I LOVE. Neutrals are my favorite kind of eye shadow! xx

    Daphne | Peanut Butter and Chocolate | bloglovin'

    1. It's really worth it! I like that you can also create more shiny effects with it. So it's not all basic. But indeed neutrals are pretty.
