Summer colour addictions

It's time for the season of colourful nail polish and lipsticks.

Here are my favourites.
I chose 4 nail polishes I will use a lot this summer (although I am pretty sure I will buy new ones).
a. May (535) from Chanel, which I already used a lot in the month may. But I love the colour so much, I think I will extend its use to the end of the summer.

b. The blue one on the right from Bourjois. I like this colour so much. It's bright yet mat, colourfull, and catchy. When I tried it in the drugstore, I immediately fell in love.
c. The one left under also from Bourjois. I like this colour it's pink with a little orange tint, and a little glittery. Shiney and catchy for summer.
d. This sumer's limited edition from Chanel (Bel-Argus, 667), I absolutely love this blue. It's shiny but not too much, and it's very close to pure blue.

Then I chose my lipsticks for this summer which are:

a. From SEPHORA far right (seduce). It's soft pink, not shiny. I love this colour and it combines perfectly with the Chanel May nail polish 
b. The purple/pink one from Make Up Forever above (Rouge artist intense 9). This lipstick has a little shine and looks kind of bright because of the shine.
c. My favourite red lip stick is from Chanel (Rouge allure nr. 99). This lipstick is just amazing - it stays good for a long time, and is just so smooth.
d. Then the MAC dazzleglass creme, which is just a shiny gloss. I like to apply it as a lip balm when I am not using lipstick.

Here are four pictures of me wearing all four colours.... What do you think?

What are your favorite nail polishes and lipsticks for this sumer?

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