Vitamins for the skin, Vitamin C

I'm having exams (!) and honestly I could use some vitamin C to increase my resistance. So before I start with sharing my knowledge about vitamin C I will show you my newly designed orange juice+orange peel+pineapple+banana smoothie. Because of the high doses of vitamin C, this juice is a great boost to your body during stress situations. And it's yummy too.

You will need:
1 Orange the juice
1/5 of the Orange peel
1/2 Banana
150-200 g Pineapple

Result! I must say, because you add a little bit of the zest, the juice is a little bitter but hardly. If you would like to get the same amount of vitamin C inside but don't like the taste, add some honey to your juice. It helps to improve the taste.

Vitamin C is another very important antioxidant for the skin. It helps with producing lipids in the skin keeping the skin barrier strong, regulates collagen synthesis, and in combination with vitamin E protects against sunlight.
Vitamin C is not often used in cosmetics, because it is really unstable and can be degraded easily. Some cosmetics claim to contain vitamin C in an effective doses and can so help protect the skin against environmental insults and skin aging caused by sunlight. Vitamin C is mostly processed in a really low dose in the cosmetics, and since the compound is really unstable it might not have an effect at all. So if you decide to buy cosmetics with vitamin C be a little skeptical. You can actually recognize cosmetics with effective doses of vitamin C by the way it's packed. For example a jar with a screw lid is not a proper package to keep vitamin C stable for a long period. Most manufacturers would chose a bottle with a pump, a spray or a tube to protect the vitamin from oxidation.

Vitamin C is also very famous for its exfoliating properties. And it does work. Vitamin C is an acid, and exfoliating skin can usually be done with natural acids like glycol acid, lactic acid and vitamin C (also name ascorbic acid).
When I use vitamin C as an exfoliating agent I like to use both the juice from lemon and the lemon peel, because both contain high doses of vitamin C. So what I mostly do is I just cut 1 lemon in 8 parts and grind it until it forms a thick paste and apply that to my skin. I leave the first portion for 2-3 minutes, wash it of then put a new portion of the paste and leave it for 2-3 minutes again. Don't forget to keep the grinding machine closed, because vitamin C breaks down easily. Also don't apply too much, because too much acid may cause damage to the skin. With this I mean that more is not always better, so stick to a maximum of 1 lemon per week.

Thank you for reading..
I will hit the books again!

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