Saturdays haze

Good morning earthlings,

The day has begun, but the sun isn't yet shining.
Today is the first day of a new chapter in my life. While I've been hiding, far away from all social media and even my favorite blog - I've been reinspiring myself with new knowledge and new interesting people. And while my graduation is getting closer; I've decided I am a free person and to do whatever I want.

Ever since I've changed the name of my blog, I wanted my first project to be special. But while a special subject was waiting to be found, I've realized nothing is as special to me as fashion and beauty. And even when I know the cliché all woman love fashion and all woman want to work in fashion, I know fashion is never cliché when you quit mainstream.

Things I've been figuring out.

One of my best friends designs jewelry as a hobby, and sells them mostly to acquaintances. Fame is not her biggest deal, but it's the hobby that makes her designs meticulous. She doesn't have and live for the sake of deadlines and costumers, rather designs and creates whenever she feels like it. The itsy bit of leisure time she would spend creating her newest jewerly, makes everything limited. Nothing is ever copied, everything is rather unique. Whenever I give her a visit at home, I could spend hours judging and loving her newest jewelry. To share my excitement and her talent with you, I will write a special post about her jewerly. But here is one:

An asymmetrical necklace (sorry for the blur)
With an exquisite rock

In make up I've figured I love lipstick, and hate foundation and concealer. Foundation and concealer always smear of, no matter what you do or what all the make up brands quote. A little bit of sweat or rain, and off it goes. Unless you use the glue-full primer 'stay flawless' from benefit. Terrible stuff, I would say. Not only does it have the quality to break your skin out, it feels appalingly awfully and sticky.
Lipstick is actually jewelry to your face. You can add colour, paleness or nudety to your look. Dress up, dress down your look, look poppy or maybe even popless. I heart lipstick...
I actually don't have a favourite colour, nor a favourite brand. But I do have favourite items and I kind of got obsessed with drugstore lipsticks.
These are meant for summer:

Pink, purple and red. Pink, purple and red. Pink, purple and red.
I'm in love with fresh, homemade food. And I've made the habbit of cooking as much as possible. I read a lot of food-blogs and have been trying out so many different recipes I can't even keep track.
Though I have my favourites, and I would love sharing them with you.
My favourite chili, from the BBC foodblog. I added fresh green asparagus to the recipe, and ate it with buritos instead of rice. I also made some guacamole which is basically: 2 ripe avocados, about 4 small branches of cilantro, 1 scallion and salt to taste.

But I also love non-homemade food, such as cheese. Every Saturday my lovely boyfriend and I go to a small market in the centre of Amsterdam, where actually only the elite Amsterdammers go to ;). I love this market, especially because it isn't packed with vendors trying to to sell you flee market-quality clothes. It's mostly food; olives, vietnamese eggroles, wafels, fruits, vegetables, fish and so on. 

In the end I always go home with the 3 for €5 cheeses, and have a delicious Saturday lazy dinner.
The cheeses we opted for this saturday were: mild blue cheese, mild reblochon (a washed-rind cheese) and camembert (a soft-ripened cheese). We also got some olives and tapenade which were both delicious.

And after dinner I absolutely love a good cup of homemade coffee.

That was it for now.


  1. Wow, where did you find that pink rock? I need one for myself because I want to prepare a nice necklace and a bracelet for my sister.

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