Preparing for summer

Despite it doesn't feel like summer is coming soon, I did some make up shopping this week in preparation for summer.

I puchased a sea blue eyeliner from Collistar. I actually bought this eyeliner by accident. I was shopping on and ordered an eyeliner, which in my head was black. When I received the receipt, I saw the eyeliner was blue. No stress. When I received the eyeliner, I was really happy with it! It's an amazing colour. The blue really brings light to my eyes, and even if I have half asian eyes black eyes it still enlarges my eyes. So, every cloud has a silver eye-lining, although this one is blue.

Then I bought the eyebrow kit from Chanel, which I thought would be amazing. When I opened the eyebrow kit I was happy. The tweezer is very good, but sadly super small. Although the size helps with tweezing downy hair. The powder is great, although not waterproof. But still very good quality. And the kit also contains two brushes, one to bring the eyebrows in shape and one to bring the powder on the skin. Well honestly I hate these brushes, I really don't know why they added them, because they are plastic, super cheap and really really bad quality. So perhaps if you would ever want to buy this eyebrow kit, remember the brushes are bad and you might have to buy new ones.

I also bought a lipstick from Yves Saint Laurent, which I am absolutely in love with. The number is 205. It's deep purple/pink, but if you bring it on with a brush you can create different tones, ranging it from deep pink to deep purple. And you can adjust the lipstick by adding powder to the lips to make a matte lipstick or add gloss to it for a little shimmering. What I love about this lipstick, is that it stays on for a long time, even after eating. And you don't even need to put a primer. So this lipstick I would advice to anyone! Note that in the picture above the cap of the lipstick has flowers on it. This is an illusion since it's just the reflection of my sweater!

Then I also bought BB cream from The Body Shop. This BB cream is amazing! Initially it's white, but when you smear it over the face the colour adapts to the colour of the skin. When I was standing in The Body Shop, there was a billboard stating that every 27 seconds one of their BB cream is sold. And I agree, I have tried different kinds of BB's and this one is by far the best!

And last but not least, I bought a nude lipstick from Catrice Make-up. I love the nudity. Although it's a difficult colour for darker skin. Not everyone immediately feels comfortable in this colour, because it can make you look pale. So the rest of your make up is important to not look like a zombie. Wear black eyeliner and blush. I like the combination cat-eyes and nude lipstick, but since my new purchase I can now make the cat-eye with my blue eyeliner. This specific nude lipstick from Catrice doesn't stay very long, so you would have to touch it up very often. But even though, I am still happy with my purchase!

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